I chose to use a picture of a piece of pie because owning stock is like having a little slice of the company, the more stock you purchase, the bigger percent of the company you own.
I chose to use a pinky promise because a bond involves borrowing money and then promising to pay it back later on. If you don't pay it back, you risk paying even more or legal issues.
Primary and Secondary Market
I chose to use this picture because it represents companies competing to get more business. In this picture, honey bees bring more honey to impress the queen bee.
Bulls and Bears
I chose this picture because they represent opposites, just like bears and bulls are opposite. Bulls are optimistic about the market while bears are pessimistic.
Selling Short
I chose this picture because it represents selling short, which is when the company benefits from the price of a stock falling. In a pawn shop, usually people sell their belongings and then buy it back for cheaper later.
I chose to use these wooden dolls because a franchise is a smaller part of a large corporation, but are still the same.
Underwrite/Underwriter/Going Public
I chose this picture because it represents going public with someones engagement, just like going public in a market economy.
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